
You need - or want - a new job.

But look, I get it: you don’t want to look for a new job. Who wants to look for a new job? I don’t know anyone who just looks for a new job for the fun of it. If I did, I'd suggest psychiatric help.

After all, writing your CV isn’t the most fun task in the world.

Neither is applying for jobs. (Stressful.)

Neither is not hearing back. (Disappointing, disheartening, demotivating.)

Neither is prepping maniacally for your interviews when you’re probably not totally sure how you should be prepping. (Anxiety-inducing.)

Neither is interviewing and then being ghosted.

Neither is having to job search while your energy is being drained from a job you don’t like.

Neither is having to job search when you’d rather be, oh, I don’t know, doing almost anything else - relaxing, going to dinner with your partner, playing with your puppy.

You look for a new job because it’s a means to an end. That ‘end’ being, ideally, a totally-fulfilling, well-paid, dream-industry job.

(Although saying that, sometimes you just need a new job. As long as you get to use your skills and experience, get paid, and don’t have a micromanager breathing down your neck like that Sigourney Weaver scene in Alien, that’s a win.)

(Plus, you can still keep looking for a new job.)

(Don’t tell anyone I said that.)

(I use a lot of brackets.)

The good news? You don’t need to become the Michael Jordan of job-searching. All you need is a proven, time-tested, market-proof job search strategy that’s helped hundreds and hundreds of people just like you get new jobs.

A strategy that - if used correctly - will put you ahead of 99% of job searchers.

(Perhaps even 99.9%.)

And that’s exactly what you’ll get with the Job Search Strategy System.

After going through The Job Search Strategy System, you’ll be able to:

  • Write your CV in a way that gets you interviews for well-paying, dream-industry roles.

  • Write your LinkedIn profile in a way that makes recruiters who work in your dream-industry want to DM you.

  • Network in a way that feels authentic and genuine, rather than all ‘networky’ and awkward.

  • Interview in a way that makes the hiring manager think, “Wow, what a great candidate.”

  • Negotiate your salary and offers confidently so you get paid what you’re worth (and then some).

  • Be overall more strategic with your job search, making it way simpler, much quicker, and a lot more lucrative while taking the usual job-search-related stresses and strains away.

  • Most importantly, you’ll be able to get your very-well-paid, dream-industry, totally-fulfilling, brand-new job.

Why listen to me?

I’ve been in recruitment for almost 10 years (though sometimes it feels like 45). I’ve been named a LinkedIn Top Voice for Job Search Strategies (didn’t even have to bribe them). I’ve built a community of more than 80,000 jobseekers with my newsletter and LinkedIn.

I’ve been on the inside, in the trenches, behind the curtain. I’ve done the ‘do’, so to speak, and I’ve done it time and time and time and time (and time) again.

Basically, I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds of people get new jobs. Tech jobs, gaming jobs, remote jobs, mid-level jobs, senior jobs, software engineer jobs, data jobs, cybersecurity jobs.

Dream jobs. Fulfilling jobs.

Jobs that have come with a salary increase of more than 138%. (*the audience gasps*)

But look, you don’t have to just believe me. I won’t be (that) mad. Have a read of the below and see for yourself:

(Want more testimonials? Read a whole bunch more here.)

Okay, shall we do some frequently-asked questions about The Job Search Strategy System?

Yeah, let’s do some frequently-asked questions about The Job Search Strategy System:

“What’s inside? What do I get?”

Very simply, this is what you’ll get:

  • How to write your CV in a way that will get you interviews

  • How to write your LinkedIn profile in a way that makes recruiters DM you

  • How to network in a way that feels genuine and not all ‘networky’

  • How to interview in a way that gets you the offers you deserve

  • How to negotiate your salary and offer to get paid what you’re worth (and then some)

  • A job search resource and strategy that you can use forever - and seeing as the average person now changes jobs around twelve times in their career, an evergreen, market-proof job-search course might qualify as a wise investment. (Just saying.)

“Who is this course for?”

  • Anyone who’s in and/or currently looking for a technical, creative, or people-focussed job. Software engineers, data scientists, product and project managers, cybersecurity pros, artists, social media marketers, management consultants, and more.

  • People who are trying to break into their dream industry - whether that be tech, gaming, entertainment, or otherwise.

  • People who want to spend way less time job searching, have way less stress job searching, and who want to get as big a bump in salary as possible.

  • People who would rather just get a job search strategy from someone who’s hired hundreds of people over the past decade than try to work it all out themselves

  • People who want their job search to last as little time as possible

  • People who want a job search strategy to implement so they can spend less time job searching and more time hanging out with their girlfriend, friends, and puppy (or something)

  • People who want a proven, tried-and-tested, evergreen way to get a new job that they can come back to every few years when they’re ready to move on

“How long is the course and what format is it in?”

All in all, the course is a few hours long. But it’s designed so you can focus on whatever part of the job search you’re at right now - whether that’s writing your CV and LinkedIn, networking, applying, interviewing, negotiating offers. So you can jump in for 15 minutes, get what you need, and jump back out.

As for the format, each part has a video introduction, a very deep dive into the specific topic, and extensive frequently-asked questions sections.

There are 9 parts:

  • Part 1 - Welcome & Introduction

  • Part 2 - Writing your CV

  • Part 3 - Networking & LinkedIn

  • Part 4 - Outsourcing, Tailoring, and Applying

  • Part 5 - Interviewing

  • Part 6 - Salary & Offer Negotiation

  • Part 7 - Q&A (on anything and everything that doesn’t quite fit into the above) (10,000+ words) (I suggest liberal use of the ‘ctrl F’ function)

  • Part 8 - Templates (for networking, interview questions and answers, negotiation, and more)

  • Part 9 - More Resources (job boards, salary-data websites, additional reading, and more)

Sound good?